Electrical Engineering 1

What is energy? 

What is energy? Song 

How electricity is produced 

Introduction to the atom | Chemistry of life | Biology | Khan Academy Khan Academy 

Basic Parts of the Atom - Protons, Neutrons, Electrons, Nucleus sciencepost 

Have you ever seen an atom? 

Structure of an Atom 

What is an Atom -Basics for Kids  


Static Electricity 

Static Electricity 

Application of static electricity 

How To Make A $5 Static Electricity Generator 

Alessandro Volta and the battery 

Oersted's Experiment 

Electromagnetic Induction Learning Apps Activity

André Ampère 

Nikola Tesla 

Energy Work Power 

Renewable and NonRenewable Resources

Top 10 Energy Sources of the Future

10 Greatest Inventors 

10 Future Technologies That May Change The World 

The World's Future MEGAPROJECTS (2015-2030's)  

10 Countries That May Not Survive Next 20 Years 

Properties of Materials  

Materials and their properties 

Ferrous Metals vs Non-Ferrous Metals 


Ceramic Materials 


Electrical Conductivity 

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